Get Involved - Review of Giving Sunday
Once a year we formally invite the church family to think and pray about their 'giving' to the church - both financial and in terms of serving. Our giving is an important expression of our love for God. Each year we are able to thank God for all he has given us by offering back to Him from our time, our resources, our talents and our money.
Getting Involved
Have you considered reading the bible lesson or the prayers? Helping set up or pack away? Making tea and coffee? Or even joining a Life Group. if you would like to start helping in any area or to lay down anything - click on the button below.
Giving Financially
It is important to remember that our money giving must never be seen as the sole indicator of our discipleship. However, neither must we shy away from the financial implications of our discipleship. Could I please ask you to spend some time over the coming weeks thinking and praying about the financial part of your response to God’s rich generosity towards us, and you may wish to either:
- Continue by leaving your giving as it is.
- Start giving to the Church by means of a standing order
- Increase/Decrease your giving by revising your existing standing order.
How to give?
Click on the relevant buttons below for each parish.