New Biblical wall hanging

A new Biblically themed wall hanging has been created in Peasedown St John that will brighten up the walls of where it hangs!

St John’s Anglican Church, the village’s biggest indoor venue, has a growing collection of quilted displays and even an 8-metre-long applique that are adding colour to the inside walls.

The new quilted display, designed and created by professional quilt-maker and church member Mary Warren, depicts and references some of the characteristics of God – as described in the Bible.

Mary said:

“St John’s Church is well-used throughout the week for children’s groups, Bible study, prayer meetings and church services.

We realised some time ago though that for visitors there wasn’t anything in the building that clearly, and simply, explained what we as Christians believe.

This new quilt displays the many ‘I AM’ references that God uses to describe Himself in scripture.”

The word ‘YHWH’ appears on the quilt twice, once in English and the other in Hebrew.

Pronounced ‘Yahweh’ – this is the name for the God of the Israelites in both the Christian Old Testament and the Jewish Torah. It literally means ‘I Am’.

Other Biblical references on the quilt are:

• ‘I am the bread of life’

• ‘I am Jesus’

• ‘I am the light of the world’

• ‘I am the good shepherd’

The Church building is open throughout the week, so anyone is welcome to visit and appreciate the finished artwork.

St John’s Church is in Church Road, Peasedown St John, BA2 8AA.

St John’s Church, along with St Julian’s Shoscombe and St James’ Foxcote, make up the ‘St J’s Group’ parish. Together, with St Julian’s Wellow, they come under the leadership of Revd Matthew Street.

For more details about the work of the St J’s Group, readers can follow them on Twitter, @stjsgroup, or visit their website,, which includes details of future events, the church’s work in the community, activities going on during the week and live recordings of Sunday sermons.

Rob Bubyer