We can’t get into God’s Kingdom without being born again - Nicodemus - John 3:1-2 25th April 2021 Talk Notes latest post, Johnstjsgroup26 April 2021Matthew Street
God’s faithfulness can compensate for our greatest unfaithfulness - Peter - John 13:36-38, 18:15-18, 25-27, 21:15-18 18th April 2021 latest post, Johnstjsgroup19 April 2021Derek Smith, Dick Beath
Better to doubt out loud than to disbelieve in silence - Thomas - John 20:24-29 Sunday 11th April 2021 latest post, Johnstjsgroup12 April 2021Shaula Reilly
Easter Day - Out of death comes life - Jesus - John 20:1-10 Maundy Thursday 1st April 2021 Easter Sunday 4th April 2021 talk notes latest post, Johnstjsgroup7 April 2021Matthew Street, Shaula Reilly, Derek Smith