Once a year we formally invite the church family to think and pray about their 'giving' to the church - both financial and in terms of serving. Please do read the information below and if you would like to start serving or lay down an area of ministry then please click on the form below.

Join a Life Group

Life Groups are made up of ordinary people who want to learn more about who God is and how He can be relevant to our daily lives. It’s a place where you can form friendships, share both the good times and the not so good, and work out what it means to follow Jesus today. During a typical Life Group evening, you might worship together, pray for each other and have a time of sharing and teaching.

Serving at St. John’s Church

1. Serving on a Sunday morning (10.30am)

  • Reading the passage

  • Leading prayers

  • Hospitality (Welcoming and Set Up/Pack Down)

  • Serving coffee & tea

  • Leading the service & Preaching

2. Serving at Soul Food (4.30pm)

  • Reading the passage

  • Leading prayers

  • Welcome (& counting the numbers)

  • Serving coffee & tea

  • Packing away the chairs

  • Soul Kids (age 4-12)

  • Worship Team (including PA & laptop)

  • Leading the service & Preaching

3. Mid-week serving Opportunities

  • Leading/Helping with a Life Group;

  • Attending weekly Prayer & Praise;

  • Attending/Helping with Monthly Prayer and Praise night;

  • Helping at Little Ones

  • Helping at After School Club;

  • Men’s and Women’s Ministries;

  • Verging at Weddings, Funerals, Christenings

  • Buildings Committee

  • Preparing a meal for someone with need (Meals to Bless).

Serving at St. James Foxcote &
St. Julian’s Shocombe

1: Serving on a Sunday Morning (11.15am)

  • Reading the lesson

  • Leading the prayers

  • Welcome

  • Making and serving the Tea & Coffee

  • Musicians

  • Leading the service & Preaching

2. Mid week serving opportunities

  • Hosting a prayer meeting for Foxcote & Shoscombe

  • Hosting a Life Group;

  • Hosting a coffee morning

  • Visiting sick or home bound members of the church

  • Attending Prayer & Praise, 7.45pm on Mondays at the Vicarage, PSJ

  • Church Cleaning

  • Verging at Weddings, Funerals, Christenings

  • Flowers - helping to produce flowers in church

Serving at St. Julian’s Church

1: Serving on a Sunday Morning (10am)

  • Reading the lesson

    Leading the prayers

  • Sidesperson & Welcome

  • Making and serving the Tea & Coffee

  • Musicians

  • Leading the service & Preaching

2. Mid week serving opportunities

  • Leading/Helping with a Life Group;

  • Visiting sick or home bound members of the church

  • Attending the Wellow prayer group, 3pm on Tuesdays at Pauline’s house

  • Attending Prayer & Praise, 7.45pm on Mondays at the Vicarage, PSJ

  • Church Cleaning

  • Verging at Weddings, Funerals, Christenings

  • Flowers - helping to produce flowers in church

  • Elected member of the PCC

  • Mission & Friends Committees

Please complete the form below if you would like to start serving or lay down an area of ministry.