Church Weekend At Home


Renew - A springtime weekend of practical, inspiring teaching


Stephen Backhouse from Tent Theology has been delivering real theology to thousands of Christians around the world in churches, universities, schools, festivals, political party conferences, youth camps, newspapers, magazines, television, radio and podcasts. He has a doctorate from the University of Oxford and multiple master’s degrees from McGill University in Montreal and Oxford, where he also did his undergraduate studies in philosophy and theology.


Through Stephen’s unique style of teaching we will be exploring one of the earliest sources - the Gospel of Mark. As we walk through this amazing gospel with Stephen, we will encounter the living Christ, and be renewed in our walk with him.

So join us as we, like the first disciples, learn to do the things that Jesus did and live the life that Jesus lived!

People can attend as much or as little of the programme as they wish. There are no essays, exams or assignments!


Friday 13th April

Session 1: 7.30pm – 9.45pm

Saturday 14th April

Session 2: 9am - 10.30am

Session 3: 11am  - 12.30pm

Bring and share lunch

Session 3: 2pm  - 3.30pm

Session 4: 4pm - 5.30pm - Worship and renewal

Sunday 15th April

Stephen Backhouse will be speaking at

10.30am - St John’s Church, Peasedown

4.30pm - Soul Food at Peasedown Youth Centre, Bath Road, Peasedown.


The Church Weekend At Home will take place at St. John's Church, Church Road, Peasedown, BA28AA.


School aged children are welcome to attend a special session during session 3 on Saturday 14th April from 11am - 12.30pm. Then they can stay on for the bring and share lunch. Children’s work will also be provided at the 4.30pm Soul Food service on Sunday 15th April.


  • Tent Theology is a new old way of bringing theology to the heart of the local church.

  • All teaching happens within the context of fellowship and worship: eating and praying together is genuine theology!

  • People who participate in the weekend will gain a greater appreciation for the width and depth of 2000 years of the Christian conversation.

  • Tent Theology provides safe spaces to talk about complex topics that are sometimes difficult to explore in traditional church environments. Through Tent, Christians learn how to agree and disagree Christianly.

  • Participants learn how Bible, theology, evangelism, prayer and worship do not have to be kept separate.

  • Tent Theology acts as a bridge between the excellent work of the academy and the vibrant life of the faithful community.


  • Tent does not require prior study of academic theology.

  • Tent Theology is for anyone: long term Christians, new Christians and people claiming no Christian faith at all have enjoyed our programmes.

  • People who are already educated in scripture and theology will find new ways to help activate their faith. Activated Christians will find their faith fed by their new education.

  • Tent is good for people who are exploring a call to ministry or formal study of theology.

  • Tent is good for people who are NOT seeking a call to ministry or study: theology belongs to every Christian as part of their discipleship and faithful witness.

  • Tent Theology is flexible and can be tailored for all ages and stages of life.


Who is this for?

Everyone. Anyone from any of three parish churches (Peasedown, Wellow or Foxcote with Shoscombe) are welcome to come along. Please do invite friends or neighbours or people from other churches too.

Do I need to attend all the sessions?

No. You can just attend the morning session and stay for lunch on the Saturday for example.

What is the provision for children? 

There will only be provision for school aged children during session 3 on the Saturday and they can stay for the Bring and Share Lunch. There is no provision for Pre-School children but they are welcome to be brought and use the area set up for small children including some small toys and books.

There will be full children’s provision at the 4.30pm service on Sunday.

What is the format? 

The format varies from session to session. Activities can include lectures, small group discussions, practicing prayer, bible studies, Q&A sessions and one to one conversations.

Will there be written work? 


Do I have to book?

Please do book in for the Saturday to help us know for catering purposes.


Contact Rev. Tom Benyon on (01761) 752453 or email


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