Peasedown councillor backs children’s breakfast club with £1,000 grant
A popular breakfast club in Peasedown St John will be able to carry on feeding local school children for the next year, thanks to the support of a local councillor. Cllr Karen Walker (Independent, Peasedown St John) has allocated £1,000 from her Initiative Fund to the Peasedown Primary School Breakfast Club, which is organised and run by St John’s Church.
Karen said: “I’ve been hugely impressed with the work of St John’s Church over the last 12 months with their commitment to ensure local school children are able to eat breakfast every weekday morning.
Almost thirty children attend the club, and numbers are on the increase due to the positive experiences they have.
I know from raising four boys of my own that a good wholesome breakfast is essential, which is why I’m pleased to award £1,000 from by B&NES Councillor Initiative Fund to this worthy cause.”
Coordinated by Andy Stockinger, Community Outreach Worker at St John’s Church, and held at the village’s Youth and Children’s Centre, primary school children have the opportunity to eat breakfast with their friends every morning before school.
Andy said: “Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
From 7.45 am we wait for everyone to arrive. When they do we all eat together and talk about how our week is going, or any plans we might have for the weekend. It’s also about demonstrating how important meal times are.”
The breakfast clubs are in addition to the children’s work being carried out by St John’s across the community.
The church, part of the wider St J’s Group of Anglican churches, run regular school assemblies, after-school clubs, seasonal holiday clubs, and four children’s groups every Sunday. The church also holds its Sunday afternoon worship meetings at Peasedown Youth and Children’s Centre.
Church Leader, Rev Matthew Street added:
“St John’s is committed to working alongside the community to do what we can to support people in all parts of their lives.
Our close working relationship with Peasedown St John Primary School has resulted in an after-school club running two afternoons a week, football coaching being provided by Andy to the children, and annual events around Easter, Christmas and on Remembrance Day.
Any parents of Peasedown St John Primary School children who’d like their children to attend the breakfast club should speak to their class teacher
For more details about the work of the St J’s Group, readers can follow them on Twitter, @stjsgroup, or visit their website,, which includes details of future events, the church’s work in the community, activities going on during the week and live recordings of Sunday sermons.