Peasedown’s SJ’s Club welcomes Ukrainian Children

Peasedown St John's popular 'SJ's Club' has welcomed some new members recently – all the way from Ukraine.


Tymofii and Matvii recently moved to the village with their mother Alona, after being welcomed in the UK as refugees.

The club, run by St John's Church, has been supporting the family as they settle into the community.

Sarah Carney, SJ's Club coordinator, said:

"It has been great to be able to welcome Tymofii and Matvii to SJs. As a club founded on Christian values we are concerned about issues to do with human dignity and respect for others.

Prior to our new Ukrainian friends joining us we prayed for the children caught up in the conflict and hung yellow and blue ribbons as symbols for reflection.

We have all had to work hard to understand different cultural ways and language barriers and have worked together to ensure the boys have settled well into our club. It's great to have them here with us!"

Held every Tuesday and Wednesday after school at St John's Church in Church Road, SJs is for all primary-school aged children. It includes crafts, outdoor play, reading, group work and storytelling.

Alona, Tymofii and Matvii's mother said:

"I came to Peasedown six weeks ago together with my two lovely sons, Tymofii and Matvii. We're Ukrainian and because of the war we had to go to a safe country. We are very happy to be in the UK. People are amazing here. They help us everywhere!

We'd like to say a huge thank you to the after-school-club and all the teachers there. It's a wonderful place to spend time for my boys. They have already got friends there. Tymofii and Matvii enjoy playing with friends. They like participating in different games. The food given to children is fantastic, they like it. The idea of the club is perfect.

The leader of the club is an absolutely lovely. Sarah is a brilliant teacher and a wonderful person. All the members of the leading group are fantastic! They all do wonderful work. Thank you, a lot, for being so kind and lovely to all the children!"

For more information visit SJ’s Club webpage here.

Rob Bubyer